Female Nude Seated
a one-act play by Carolyn Gage
This piece, followed by a talkback, was produced online via Zoom during the COVID-19 pandemic on May 16, 2020. In the wake of World War I, Mainie Jellett and Evie Hone meet in art school when Evie interrupts Mainie’s attempt to drink a jar of paint thinner. Over a bottle of brandy, the two get to know one another as artists and as women who are struggling to make art in a field dominated by men. A story of female sexuality, trauma, and the demands of artistic ideals, Female Nude Seated shows two young women at a personal crossroads in a time of extraordinary change. They might be able to save one another, however, as they decide to take control of their freedom while shattering the status quo in 1917 London.
Featured in Broadwayworld
Reviewed in GO Magazine, Gay City News, and Bi-Coastal Babble
Playwright: Carolyn Gage
Director: Emma Rosa Went
Assistant Director: Harrison Densmore
Assistant Producer/Dramaturg: Abbey Joan Burgess
Actors: Olivia Rose Barresi and Morgaine Gooding-Silverwood
Moderator: Hillary E. Miller
Click here for the show program
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